The Call of God

How I got saved

“The Call of God, How I Got Saved” is a compelling exploration of God’s calling and salvation. Pastor Ndayiragije Misigaro Joel shares his journey of accepting God’s call to full-time ministry, highlighting the transformative power of faith and obedience.

About the Book

The Call of God, How I Got Saved centres on how God
calls people to serve Him and how His call comes to pass. It is about
a person’s dedication to accept God’s call and follow Him.

About the Author

Pastor Ndayiragije Misigaro Joel, alongside his wife Justine, is the founding
pastor of the Pentecost Repentance Church in South Africa; an establishment
they began from scratch on 18 June 2002. Joel is a theology
graduate of North Central Theological Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota
(NCTSMN) (M. Th); a preacher, teacher of the Word and an intercessor who works in discipleship and healing deliverance ministry.

A proud father of five children and husband to one wife, he has been a devoted servant who passionately obeys and follows the Holy Spirit in
the pursuit of Christian education. He heeded God’s call when told to resign from his position in the security industry and serve Him in fulltime ministry.

He had spent nearly 13 years in the industry, working for ADT Security as the first African man to serve as an armed response area manager in
the Cape Town OPS department; a position he held for five years.

For the love of God, he chose to forsake that and resigned on
31 March 2015. He knows God has no partiality in calling people. 

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